My debut novel Evan Branko (Is Unlovable) is FREE until Wednesday for all you Kindle and Kindle Fire people out there. It's a heartwarming and funny tale of the quest for acceptance, understanding and finding the right girl in 80's Minnesota. The formatting is a bit weird (it was my first try) but hey, it's free. If you get it, give it a vote, rate it or promote, that's all I ask!


You can download it here.


   "The reunion for the class of ’77 was 6 days after I talked with Rod. As for why it was in mid February, apparently that’s when the cheaper flights could be had. I guess it was only 10 years, most of us couldn’t afford to fly during peak months yet. Wait for the 20th one. I had no such worries. The high school was one town over. The school's name, the town's name, they're irrelevant, really. They’re just any place that fits into the category of ordinary to the point of obscurity. The town is just one of many where the residents dream of leaving, and the place where they go home to die. The school is nameless and unidentifiable. Its name is Kimberley-Clarke towel dispensers and Scott toilet paper rolls, Bretford projector stands and Elmer’s glue.

   A nameless school, a very real fear. Would I be seen? Would people look at me, would they sneer, make jokes behind my back? It was the same vague apprehensive feeling of fear and foreboding you get right before a first date. Only, it didn’t go away the closer I got to the reunion..."

